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Practicing Gratitude has been released! Wow!

I have been writing this email in my head for the last few days and I simply can not accurately convey my heart... The birth of a book, I knew, would be an emotional and mental release. I had anticipated the thrill and the hope and the wonder. I had not, however, considered the utter and absolute TERROR.

So now, after fifteen years of practicing prudence in speech and counting the weight of my words before they are spoken, I have written a book. Words encapsulated for all of time with my name claiming ownership. Not simply a conversation that might be forgotten or even an email which may be ignored, but a book in print, written with intention and purpose. Years from now my walk with Jesus may be judged by this little devotional, but more importantly, its pages have the power influence others either toward or away from knowing God more.

In reflection, I am realizing that 'terror' is not the root of the fluttering in my heart nor the tightness in my chest. It's not terror, it's FEAR. Not a 'scared' fear, but a holy reverence in light of the power, authority, and worth of the God I claim to represent. Knowing that I have taken His words and communicated them to others places upon me the responsibility to showcase God as He would be seen. In calling my fellow Christian women to a deeper relationship with God, I am commissioned to handle His truth well, wisely, in context, in reverence, and with all hope to inspire readers to see Him, not me.

Oh, that this book would reflect Jesus well!

So, with the weight of knowing the permanency of my words in printed form, my prayer is that Jesus would use Practicing Gratitude to His glory. May I be a channel for His truth, a beacon of His grace, and a catalyst for the encouragement of others as they are encouraged to know God more. May I continue to stand in holy reverence of His Truth, and may I always be willing to submit humbly to His will for both this book and my life.

Thank you, dear friends, for allowing me the opportunity to share how Jesus has been growing me. Thank you for supporting me in this new journey. Thank you for joining me in the excitement of all Jesus has planned for Practicing Gratitude.

I appreciate you!

With gratitude,


Over the last several weeks I have mentioned how much I love Autumn, and that this season is my favorite. It has only been the last couple of days, though, that I realized my favorite aspect of Fall is centered around death.

Now, this is an odd musing, but one at least worth an ounce of consideration… When you think about the changing colors of the maple leaves anticipating the winter chill, you will realize that it is only possible through dying. When the valley is awash with branches full of tangible sunlight glowing red and orange and yellow, it is because the once vibrantly green leaves are being starved.

All Spring and throughout the Summer they have enjoyed the sweetness of nourishment from their tree. But they are now being cut off so that the tree can store energy for the winter, anticipating breathing life into new leaves when Spring descends once again.

Yet in their death, there is a static beauty in the sunset leaves. Even as they break off from the branch, their grip on the tree weakened by the wind, their deathly descent is a gorgeous ballet. As they rest on the ground, shouting a satisfying crunch as I walk through their piles, they offer one of the most cheerful sounds of the season. And then, as they decay and rot, their essence is taken once again into the ground, transferring their life into the soil which will bring forth new sprigs and shoots of wondrous nature in only a few months’ time.

And perhaps that’s me. Cozied up to my comfortable tree of convenience, lazily drinking in the ease. Not many people take notice, because I am just another green leaf, surrounded by other green leaves, drowned out by the cacophony of verdant growth. And yet, when my convenience is stripped away I begin to change. I am transformed from a stagnant living thing, into a dying masterpiece.

And that is when others take notice. My metamorphosis sings in a chorus of other transformed lives, pleading with the passerby to heed the stunning call of the season. It is only my comfort which is steeped away, mearly my convenience that has loosed me. And yet even as every easy thing is drained from me, my purpose is hardly finished. For in my death to comfort, there is hope of joy, and in my resting release, my continued transformation will assist in bringing more life. May I live well, and in every stage of my Creator’s Good Plan may I trust His will, trust His heart, and rejoice in His plan.

Have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life? Who you should marry, which career you should pursue, which house to buy, or even which shoes to wear? Wouldn’t it be convenient if God simply told us how to live our lives?

It would. And He did!

For this is the will of God, your sanctification. (1 Thes 4:3)

Everything boils down to this: that you are being made holy, shaped into the very likeness of Christ Himself. Every circumstance and situation in your life has been perfectly tailored as an ordained opportunity, training your perspective to be woven from the stands of God’s heart. As you purposefully immerse your focus in knowing who God is, and what He loves, you will be continually molded into sharing His likeness and desires. Therein lies the refining aspect of sanctification, and the conviction of knowing what you are called to do. For in knowing God’s heart, you know His direction. In reflecting His holiness, you understand His will.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thes 5:18)

If we understand that every circumstance and situation is a loving tool in the hands of a GOOD God, perfectly wielded to work His changes in our heart and mind, and if we trust Him to use every hard thing- in addition to every beautiful thing- to discipline the branches of our hearts to cling to the vine of His glory, then our natural inclination will be one of praise and thanks for the work He has begun- the work He has promised to complete in us.

So then, what is God’s will for your life?

It is simply this: that you know Him.

Because in knowing Him, you will love Him. In loving Him you will be transformed. In being transformed you will reflect Him. And in that reflection your plans, hopes, dreams, desires, longings and pursuits will be that which He loves.

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